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Privacy Policy

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SAS ALMÉ, whose head office is located at 4 rue du collège d'Annecy, 84000 Avignon, attaches the greatest importance to the protection of your personal data. Almé undertakes, as the data controller, to collect and process your personal data in a transparent manner in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation ("RGPD") and the "Informatique et Libertés" law.

Below you will find all the information concerning the way in which Almé processes and protects your personal data, as well as the rights you have concerning your data.

1. Why does Almé collect your personal data?

Almé collects, processes and retains your personal data for the following purposes ("purposes") and on the following legal grounds:

- To ensure the execution of a contract, (e.g.: Terms and Conditions of the site, rules of the games
contests), within the framework :

  • The creation and management of a customer account and the management of our loyalty program;
  • The execution of online orders: delivery, return, refund;
  • The organization of contests;
    The publication of your instagram posts.

- For the purpose of legitimate interests of constant improvement of the relevance of the messages sent to you and the quality of its products and services, in the context of :

  • Managing our communications about Almé products, offers and events in order to provide you with communications tailored to your interests;
  • The realization of statistical studies and the analysis of your shopping habits in order to better understand your interests;
  • Measuring the level of customer satisfaction in order to meet your expectations;
  • The processing of your requests addressed to the customer service, in order to be able to answer you.

- To ensure compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations as defined by the legislation in force, particularly in the context of managing requests to exercise rights in terms of personal data protection.

2. What personal data is collected?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. Almé may collect the following categories of data about you as a customer, prospect and/or user of its website:

  • Data relating to your identity: title, surname, first name, postal address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, customer account number if applicable, password.
  • Data related to your orders: transaction number, purchase details, purchase amount, invoice payment data (payments, outstanding payments, discounts), product returns.
  • Data relating to your means of payment: credit card number, expiry date of the credit card, visual cryptogram (which is immediately erased).
  • Data necessary for the realization of loyalty and prospecting actions: purchase history, preferences and centers of interest, navigation history on the site, and IP address.
  • Data relating to your exchanges with the customer service or any other department and your level of satisfaction: opinions on the quality of products and the reception in store, messages exchanged with our customer service or any other department (e.g. Data Protection Office).
  • Data related to instagram publications #almeparis: photo, username/pseudonym

It is specified that all personal data collected is necessary for the management of Almé's activities, except for the data collection fields that are not marked with an asterisk. If you do not provide this data or if you refuse to collect it, it will be difficult or impossible to manage Almé's activities and you will not be able to benefit fully from our services.

In any case, Almé ensures that the personal data processed is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which it is collected and/or processed.

3. Who has access to your personal data?

Almé is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal data and to complying with all legal requirements regarding the sharing and disclosure of your personal data.

In this respect, your personal data will only be accessible by a limited list of recipients according to their needs and on a case-by-case basis, and in particular to the departments and personnel authorized within Almé in order to accomplish the purposes stated above.

Your data may also be accessible to external service providers or subcontractors for the realization of the missions which are entrusted to them:

  • Our technical subcontractors (hosting, computer supervision ...)
  • Our logistics subcontractors (order preparation, deliveries)
  • Our payment subcontractors (fraud prevention, payment handling)
  • Our subcontractors in charge of customer relations (response to your requests, product reviews, satisfaction surveys, etc.)

Almé's subcontractors act on behalf of Almé and in accordance with our instructions. Almé ensures that these transfers are governed by appropriate guarantee mechanisms, in particular by the signature of standard contractual data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission.

At no time does Almé transfer or share your personal data with companies whose purpose is to acquire prospects and send commercial solicitations by SMS or e-mail without your consent.

The photos you have agreed to share on our instagram profile are publicly available.

4. How long will your personal data be kept?

Your personal data is kept in a form that allows you to be identified for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. Your data is kept by Almé in a secure environment for a limited period of time, which may vary according to Almé's operational needs, the rights of the persons concerned, legal or regulatory retention obligations and applicable legal limitation periods, as well as the recommendations of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

- Personal data relating to purchases (purchase history and identification data strictly necessary to consult and re-issue
invoices) are kept for ten years from the last purchase of the customer.

- The personal data processed within the framework of the management of an order and its delivery are preserved the time of the contractual relation, then during the period of the legal prescription which is 5 years. - The personal data processed within the framework of the management of your requests as regards personal data protection are preserved 1 year as from the last exchange or six years in the event of opposition.

- The data relating to prospecting is kept for 3 years from the last contact with you.

5. Does Almé use cookies?

Almé collects information relating to your browsing by means of cookies when you visit the Almé site. Almé does not deposit cookies without your consent, except for those strictly necessary for the operation of the site.

6. Is your personal data protected?

Almé undertakes to take all necessary measures to ensure the protection, confidentiality and security of the personal data transmitted to it, in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.

7. What are your rights and how to exercise them?

You have the right to access, rectify, delete or port your personal data at any time, as well as the rights to limit and object to the processing of your personal data. You may also withdraw your consent at any time.

You may also provide us with instructions at any time as to what you wish to happen to your data after your death.

You can exercise your rights by writing to us at the following address: [email protected] or via our online contact form.

You can also send us any questions you may have about the protection of your personal data by writing to us at the following address: [email protected].

Finally, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (in France the CNIL) in the event of a violation of the applicable data protection rules.

This Privacy Policy may be modified by Almé. In that case, we will notify you by email of any material changes and the revised version will be available on the Almé website.

8. Exercising rights

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to consult, rectify your data or unsubscribe from our website at any time. To exercise this right, please access the following link: Access to my data